
Because the big, heavy klieg lights used to light films in the 1960s and 1970s raised the temperatures on set to 97+ Fahrenheit degrees, and everyone was intensely sweaty.

Banner? Is that you?

I miss the days when lobster was poor people food.

Yeah, Night Court is a weird, beautiful beast. It makes some absolutely cringe-worthy jokes at the expense of outsider groups and women, while at the same time completely accepting and empathizing with them. I'd love to read about the conflux of influences that led to that seemingly unique product.

Lobsters are crustaceans.

Very decisive. I bet they call you "The Decider" around the office.

No. I'm always trying to help people with my useless knowledge!

They call 'em "Mumbling 'Enries" in England.

Good for you. Other children are not wrong.

I thought Woody directed a few Cheers episodes?

Chris O'Dowd thanks you for objectifying him.

What about a crepuscular show?

Don't you have an on-screen guide? So you can spot where you are in the schedule?

Hardcore nudity.

CNN said Trump was 27% a winner and Hillary was 63% a winner.

Futurama reruns and the odd stand-up special, and that's it for me.

She's said she didn't want it. Why are you people all trying to make her unhappy?!

I'm told Hillary did several Office-style looking directly at the camera bits while Trump was doing his business.


It's the same principle as trigger warnings.