
Gender is a little more embedded in self-identification than job or choice of stupid decisions.

I was so angry that after all the hype about Will & Grace being this revolutionary sitcom about a guy and a girl who were friends without any of this will they/won't they nonsense, they were friends without any of that will they/won't they nonsense because he was GAY. It's EASY to skip the sexual tension if he's GAY.

The first trans person I was exposed to was Charlene, a transwoman played by cis actor Jim Bailey, in 1985, on Night Court. The first actual trans person would have been a young woman who called herself Amy-chan in an internet community I belonged to in the late 90s, early 2000s.

Or "Seven of Oliver"

Honestly? The child says, "I'm a boy, not a girl." End of debate.

But I think Zangief is awesome. He is great hero of Mother Russia.

I don't watch wrestling, but that header picture… When did Teenage Zangief become a WWE wrestler?

Yeah, Fred's one of the good ones.

I think the book was streets ahead of the movie.

He who controls the Spice controls the Universe, Chicken!

Yes, let books remain books once in a while, Hollywood.

Having been raised semi-Evangelical, it always confuses me when people talk about A Thief in the Night as some weird, little known oddity, and not this bedrock, ubiquitous, child-traumatizing juggernaut.

Two. Two freaking TMBG albums out of 19 studio albums, 2 or 3 live albums, a couple of rarities albums, and I don't even know how many EPs.

I should probably see what's in El Rey's rotation of horror for October.

Oh shit, when is El Rey showing Dagon?

Is it crazy to watch a horror movie every night in October?

Um, well, for one thing, SyFy isn't showing Hocus Pocus at all.

Maybe they start a small business together. An artisanal cupcake shop, maybe.

You'll eat your words when he makes his turkey fucking movie from Grindhouse!