
Edith, actually.

I don't like Stanley Kubrick either!

I can't ever forget the worst movie I've ever seen, try as I might.

I'll be Fisticuffs Gillman.

Hm. That kind of does seem to be a fault of the generation, doesn't it? I wonder why that is… My first instinct is to blame the Baby Boomers.

*watches "Blacula meets Black Dracula"*

Zombies do not digest.

I'm maybe the opposite of a meathead, and I like about half of his music.

But he was overwhelming!

I think you're confusing Matchbox 20 and The Cranberries again.

Goddammit, now I have the Golden Girls theme stuck in my head.

Is it the half with Box?

He drinks coffee for breakfast!

Sad upvote.

No. America hates those guys.

The Ghost of Eazy E. It's right there.

I think philosophy is one of those writing, writing, then some more writing, degrees, unlike the sciences where you spend six years doing soul grinding research and then write maybe a hundred page dissertation.

You need to have a doctoral degree in Philosophy to teach at a university. You need to have *a* college degree and pass a state-administered test to teach high school.

HS teachers in my state are in the neighborhood of 50K-70K a year, college professors at the university I work for start at about 75K, and by the time they're fully tenured are near or just at six figures.

I don't think it'll ever hit the glory days of the early 90s, but NBC actually has a decent comedy line-up on Thursdays this season.