
I remember when MTV didn't even give a crap about nonsensical movie awards!

Ty Dolla Dollar Sign Ine is a weird fake name.

Whew! I'm still registered, so I don't have to do anything with this white nonsense.

To be fair, the 1984 Ghostbusters has made 295 million.

On the other hand, all those Native Americans he killed were somehow NOT a scandal.

uh. I… uh.

Trump routinely lies and still hasn't produced his tax returns.

The Trumpies are pretty confident they'll get their Race War either way.

Hm. China does seem to be investing heavily in renewable energy, but renewables seem to STILL only be 20% of their total energy generation. The US is at 13%.

I… I'm pretty sure I said we need to reduce emissions. I think it was the very first thing I said.


But 8 is B in leetspeak.

I really hope so.

Well, he'll be in charge as long as he doesn't go against Putin's wishes.

I remember the shitstorm that was the second term of the Reagan presidency.

If we're using numbers instead of letters, I'm still compelled to ask what the fuck a KillsquBd is.

At least 49% of voters. Perhaps as many as 51%!

But seriously, what the hell does your name even mean? What the fuck is a Killsquated?

My biggest concern is how many potential voters are being motivated to actually vote. I saw an infographic that I can't seem to find now that laid out numbers of Hispanic voters who didn't vote vs numbers of no-college white males who didn't vote, and the no-college white males were regularly two to three times the

We KNOW for a fact that most US Banks won't loan to Trump anymore, and we KNOW for a fact that most of Trump's investment finances come from Russian oligarchs, and we KNOW for a fact that most of those oligarchs are in Putin's pocket.