
The NYT hasn't had professional pride for at least five years.

Would have.

Hilary Clinton could disappear, making no public appearances for the next two months, and I would still vote for her over Trump. Hilary Clinton could be dead, and I'll be voting for her over Trump.

Sick burn, brah.

While America absolutely needs to get on board with reducing emissions, we won't slash can't do a damned thing about China, which seems intent on burning two tons of coal for every one we don't.

Or all the overt flirting she did with Kristen Wiig.

Ghostbusters (2016) made 127 million dollars in the US, and ended its run with 227 million dollars globally.

Elvis died 29 days before I was born.

Isn't Elvis dead yet? 2016's taken everyone else.

I would be okay if everyone in this movie wore the same outfit as Karen.

They have kung-fu movie and kaiju movie marathons ALL THE TIME. It's so awesome.

Is Eli Roth ever going to give us his turkey fucking magnum opus he teased way back in 2007?

I think the issue is that Disney thinks of these characters purely as marketing tools and subsequently never stops to think about the difference between "Hey, this character looks like me! Cool!" and "Hey, that white kid is putting on shoe polish and wearing my people's sacred symbols to get candy!" because in

He's throwing shade at Talia al'Ghul.

I have a surprising amount of Beast Boy just because of all the people who ship him and Raven.

Nobody on this planet signed up with Adventure Time for existential angst.

*rubs thumb and forefingers together in the "money" gesture*

Michael J Fox is 55 years old, Christopher Lloyd is 77.

That's why you're the best.