
Marge looks like a banana guard, or a popsicle.

That's the sort of high quality photo today's phones can make! Aren't you glad you live in the future?

Oh, sweet Summer child.

I think "reunion" implies that until recently, no, they weren't still around.

The old Batman TV show couldn't even get Cesar Romero to shave his FULL MOUSTACHE before putting on his Joker make-up. What's a little stubble between friends?

Oh, Amazon's why Netflix doesn't ever get good movies anymore.

So, because the Simpsons don't age, like idiots, Marge and Homer are currently *born* in 1980, Bart was born in 2006, Lisa in 2008, and Maggie in 2015 for Chrissakes. This bugs me more than it should.

Legally, I'm an adult.

Adventure Time is kind of like Danger Man but with magical dogs, and The Simpsons is sort of like My Three Sons but two of the sons are daughters.

I'm an adult.

The Mountain is also a sixth season episode.

Season 11, eh? Bold choice.

Butch Hartman's still pretty well-known in animation circles.

I dunno. While I really liked Stakes, all the seasons have good episodes. I'd say I probably liked Season 6 the least overall, but I'll probably wait until we do have 12 seasons before passing judgement on ol' Finn and Jake.

Unitarian Universalism is a different Universalism than Universal Reconciliation.

My joke is no longer a reference now that you've edited, so I too shall edit.

Universalism is a persistent, extremely common Christian heresy dating back as far as the 2nd century AD. It has never been, and will likely never be, entirely driven from the Christian body. Almost as if people who AREN'T in the religion solely for the power can see the logical inconsistency in "all-encompassing

Indeed. If they go with the "NOBODY actually belongs there" plot device, I'm willing to bet Michael doesn't realize two different people could have the same name.

That's not a flaw? That's literally Utilitarianism.