
You should have a seat over there.

Remember, never go with a predator to a second location!

I was gonna upvote you until I saw you'd upvoted yourself.

Did anyone catch what that poor woman in the Bad Place was screaming? Something about something having two something?

And over in the old people heaven, the old people are saying, "I'm glad there aren't any young people."

Dammit, I completely forgot to stop by on the 14th to see your celebrity post for my birthday.

I wish my life were so perfect that I had to harass strangers on the Internet to get a thrill.

Huh. I only knew Mr. Kinsella for his Native American short fiction. No idea he was also a baseball writer guy. A shame he had to die for me to learn this.

I think it's pretty naive to suggest Hollywood celebrities have no real impact. Sure, not as big as Racist Trump or Crooked Hillary might, but the anti-vaxxers (to pick one prominent example) owe much, if not most, of their societal cred to celebrity endorsement.

Other than, you know, murdering government officials, how else would the second amendment protect the second amendment, please?

“If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to
say. She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say. You
tell me,” Trump said in an interview with ABC News that first appeared on July 30.

Vermin Supreme.

And Connie and Peedee are both, I'm pretty sure, a year or two younger than him.

Looked at with any sort of rationality, Cthulhu is a terrible representation of the wider Mythos. The long-dead high priest of a long-dead race, everything we know about him comes from the dream visions of madmen, who are receiving the random synaptic firings of the rotting brains of an extinct psychic species, and

I don't.

Maybe he'll get a role as being in charge of the Bad Place in season 2.

To be fair, Nyarlathotep, unless he's feeling pissy with you, is just an Egyptian dude.

I absolutely *adore* Clive Barker's "In the Hills, The Cities", and if you get me feeling frisky, I'll go to bat for it as Lovecraftian fiction.

Wow, and I thought *I* had a low opinion of Alan Moore's latest stuff.

I'm not saying he's ONLY a Lovecraft adaptationist any more than I'm saying Moore is ONLY a Lovecraft adaptationist. I'm saying Mignola, when he adapts Lovecraft, does a better job than Moore.