
Untrue! The Shunned House is the other Lovecraft story with a happy ending!

"The Shunned House" sees young Whipple go in with sulfuric acid, flamethrower, and Crookes tube to fight the "vampire" after it kills his Uncle. He's the original CoC PC.

The plot to the Star Trek reboot makes a lot of sense if you read the ancillary comic book. But why should I need to go to extra-textual sources? I feel that way about Lovecraft's drawings and letters. They're NEAT, they add a lot, but they're not necessary to the text.

"Supernatural Horror in Western Literature" is a seminal work of literary criticism, and even if he had never written another word, I think he'd still be remembered (by a much smaller audience) for it.

Mike Mignola is a better Lovecraft adaptationist than Moore, and long term Commentariat will know what that statement means for my opinion of Providence.

Another great post of insight. This lack of significance in both the protagonist and the active antagonists is another hurdle games have to overcome to make a game that's ACTUALLY Lovecraftian.

Excellent insight. Good eye for how he turns language against itself to convey the alienness of his aliens:

You would not believe the number of people who named their black cats that well into the 50s and 60s.


I joke about how Sony Online Entertainment hates fun, but I think Ubisoft outright hates gamers.

He hesitated because with the benefit of hindsight, he was left to wonder if Mr. Frowney considered it a routine, or if he just saw it as his ongoing miserable life.

I like that Ian JQ always sneaks into crowd scenes.

Marceline is only, like, 20 years younger than Simon.

My Little Pony's been running on fumes for the past three seasons.

Zuke is deeeeeeeep in the fandom. Which is another reason I'm so pissed those idiots drove her from Twitter.

And trying to outrun the cops.

Mystery Girl isn't giant enough for Greg's tastes.

100% fanservice, from start to finish, and I, for one, have no complaints about that.

I remember when this site used to have a super depressing post to end Friday. And GJI didn't exist.

Really, man? /fit/? I thought you were cool.