
I think "Dawn End Party" needs a little punching up, but I like the way you think, kid.

Nah. Pretty is almost as common in shoujo titles as Blue is in josei titles.

A mess.

You're stretching a bit with the extra arm. And Spidey doesn't really do yo-yo/meteor hammer style fighting, but yeah, no, I totally see where you're coming from.

Non-stop joking and running commentary coupled with a combat style focused on dodging and letting the enemy judo themselves.


I laughed, out loud and hard, for at least five continuous minutes during this episode. Given the old Loony Tunes were only 7, I think that's a pretty good job from Raven and Paul.

You're correct. Zuke's baby couldn't ever be anything but a weeb.

If you can't empathize with Coyote, you're laughing at Road Runner cartoons for the wrong reasons. Jasper is too malicious, and Marty not pathetic enough, to carry the Super Genius business card.

You're also wrong.

Blatantly bad grade for the best episode of the Nuke, Thurm.

Yeah, when the writers very specifically address a key point of a fan theory IN THE TEXT, that's them saying, "Okay. Cut it out."

From spoilers, one ally should be getting a new outfit tonight's episode. We're due a new intro soon, I suspect.

I refuse to divide anime seasons up by anything other than the intro song.

I refuse to divide the seasons up by anything other than the intro song.

Earthican gem-quality pearls HAVE to develop in a mollusc.

I'm more concerned with whether Homeworld has Ambers, Jets, and Corals.

Army was the violent one. Ruby-1F4 Cut-4ND was the grizzled veteran. Probably the only one in the platoon who could even talk about Rose Quartz.

The Diamonds' corruption weapon was a surprise to EVERYONE. Escalating the War to start shattering Homeworld soldiers could have meant the Diamonds deploying their doomsday device even earlier, causing even MORE Gem casualties.

Ruby's platoon was 6 Gems. A human platoon is 42 Humans. If the scaling remains the same, a Gem battalion is 43 Gems.