
Or that Gems have the instinctual knowledge of what their Fusions are.

he'd have more melanin?

Late-stage capitalism, once it's metastasized like it has in America, is antithetical to everything except late-stage capitalism.

I believe you are correct, actually.

Back on RPGnet, every once in a great while, we'd have a thread where we just came up with Culture ship names and their class.

I was going to play one of those interrogation droids in a Star Wars game once, but the GM bailed before we even had our first session.


The ya-te-veo's biggest pop cultural descendants are the viper trees that grow in the Abyss in Dungeons and Dragons. The Dark Young as they appear in their story are less tree-like than they appear as in Call of Cthulhu the RPG.

Mothman is in that blurry penumbral area between cryptid and UFO encounter.

I'm fairly certain Steven can only fuse with other humans.

yeah, but officially, Season 4 starts in, like, September.

Because Teletoon is SENSIBLE.

On the bright side, it's *really* hard to dig up Rebecca's wild child phase on the Internet anymore. Seems someone went and scrubbed when she became a hot shot TV creator.

It was yaoi, if that makes you feel any better?

She also used to write Ed, Edd, and Eddy erotic fanfic.

Kevin McDonald played plenty of women on KITH.

To be fair, a child born to two French parents in Germany is still French. Homeworld is the home planet of all Gems, ultimately.

A lot of that processing necessarily involves them TALKING ABOUT THINGS. :)

Gems only have nipples when they're in porn.

She is a treasure, and I wish she were more famous.