
We have not. We've only seen her in, as you say, utility areas and the rooms of other gems.

And Snowflake would have been a Snowflake Obsidian.

The other snowbeast is an Ocean Jasper.

Cartoon Network's season divisions are asinine and have nothing to do with anything as far as I can tell. Going by Intros is logical and more in line with how anime does it.

Cartoon Network and its stupid-ass season breaks can go fuck itself. The transition from Season 1 to Season 2 was the new intro. The transition from Season 2 to Season 3 will be the new intro that includes Lapis and Peridot.

Lapis was a Blue Diamond Gem, which makes her, if not directly aristocratic, at the very least very cozy with the "high class gems." Lapis is a literal symbol of everything Bismuth very clearly hates.

Someone on Tumblr actually called Bismuth's entire arc in this episode back when the episode title was first announced ages ago. I'm always surprised at how quickly the Internet can spoil itself on the things it loves.

They're literally the top of every /sug/ thread over at 4chan.


Wait, there's no episode tomorrow? Nothing until Monday's "Beta"? WHAT THE HELL, CARTOON NETWORK!

The least stretching implication of Peridot's talking to Steven about Quartzes, is that Quartzes are a Gem species unique to Earth.

When I thought Bismuth was going to be a multi-episode slow burn, I figured her destroying Lapis and Peridot's physical forms would be the trigger to her and Steven ending up at odds. And then Lapis and Peridot could reform with their stars, and join the intro and start Season 3.

Knowing what I know about Janelle, I think she probably wouldn't want to play an aristocratic autocrat matriarch.

I actually expected Bismuth to be a slower burn on the crazy Anything To Defeat Homeworld thing, and her defeat/betrayal/death would be the capper to the Nuke and season 2.

Oh, man, I hadn't really processed that, yes, Rose is a liar. She certainly could have made up this story of being a Quartz to appeal to her followers.

It's criminal that Janelle Monae hasn't been a Gem yet.

The Temple door has gems for Rose, Pearl, Amethyst, Ruby, and Sapphire.

I'm not completely convinced, just because Centi shows too many characteristics of a quartz, and Nephrite isn't a quartz.

I never joke about … aw, who am I kidding. I joke about everything.

That's very true, and Nephrite is not a quartz stone, and I am *certain* Centipeetle was a quartz of some sort.