
Oh man, THAT would be an exciting episode.

Ah ha. For all that Sailor Moon leaves its big greasy fingerprints all over everything Steven Universe does, I continue to miss references to the older show, even when they're referring to characters I KNOW about!

Spot-on from start to finish.

It's odd if you expect Gems to be like humans and reminisce about the same things ad infinitum. It's not odd at all if the Gems did their grieving, and haven't talked about the fallen in the 5000 years since.


Bismuth was a soldier without a war. She would not stop prosecuting and escalating a war the Gems are working hard to stave off. Better to bubble her than see her bringing the full might of Homeworld down on their heads when the Crystal Gems are in no way prepared to engage in full war.

BUT (I'm TheInternetsCappadocius, too, so this is in reply to my own post) we now know that there are Nephrites, and they're pilots. Is this the answer to what Centipeetle was?

Can you believe that, in this day and age, a Google image search for "Gwyneth Paltrow thigh gap" turns up zero results with Gwyneth Paltrow's actual thighs in them?

What did they send you, of all ponies, to prison for?!

Obama's GAY!?

You say what you want to Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, but you leave Fluttershy alone.

You've been busy solving friendship problems with your closest friends.

I can imagine Rush wanting to fuck a 52-year-old dead black man, sure.

[citation needed]

I'm glad to see that despite some more… controversial… opinions, Mr. Eastwood remains Pro-Hobo.

Because her character design sucks.

Usually fighting games based on a licensed property, like the Lonely Blade movies, aren't very good. Those cats at Sumy really put their hearts into that game.

Fusion weapons are always fusions of the component Gems' weapons.

Two possible answers, pick your poison: