
Ha! Everyone was worried about the feels and bad juju happening in this episode, but when I saw it was The Zuke and Hil doing the boards, I knew this was going to completely ignore the script the fans had written. You simply cannot juke the Zuke. A episode.

Oh ha ha!

It's not just you.

Get beat the hell up by Alexandrite, mostly. Cross-type fusions appear to be exponentially more powerful than comparable same-type fusions.

And Jasper would have just killed them outright if "Rose Quartz" hadn't been there.

The little glimpse of board game night at the beginning of "The Test" wasn't enough for you, eh?

They're introducing a character this week whose whole purpose, I'm pretty sure, is to be that sacrifice.

She wasn't sent on a retrieval mission. She was sent to bodyguard a Peridot who was coming to read some gauges and make some patch notes.

I love that little sourpuss.

She has it for at least the next three or four episodes.

It will probably come up again, but recontextualized.

Set Connie up to tutor the little weirdo, and you've got an easy 11 minutes of hijinks.

I keep wanting to post pictures in response to people wishing out loud like this, but then I remember that's at the other site.

Beach City doesn't have police.

Jasper wants to fight, Jasper wants to show she's better than Rose, Jasper wants to fuse.

Yes, I know the special. It came out in the, I think, Fall of 1990.

Yes, but it would be Jonah Ray doing the invention exchange, not Joel.


You're one of those people I can never tell if they're making a joke or not.

I kinda wonder how they make the decision for what to put in those parenthesis. I'm pretty sure if it's a "Hey, where do I know this lady from" thing, it should be Aubrey Plaza (Parks and Rec). If it's "this is their most recent thing", that's stupid.