
He's always had baboon heads. Late 3rd edition artwork seems to have abstracted them a bit, but he's one of the sacred cow Demon Lords that the devs will never mess with too much.

Okay, so holy shit, dude has an actual Demogorgon mini, that's fucking dope, but what the hell is up with the scale? Demogorgon's not that small, based on the lizardman mini right next to it.

To be fair, they could also be Maori.


To be fair, Steven's like four to six years older than Onion.

When you're 7,000 years old, what's a century between friends?

How is there not more fanart of elegant Victorian pearl?!

Everyone in Fusion Cuisine was lying to the Maheswarans like a lying liar with a new lying machine.

I really think she's 19 or 20.

He probably was just imitating his own son as a baby.


Gems are aliens. They're born knowing everything they need to know. They have *zero* neoteny. It's amazing the CGs know as much as they do, really.

He's never said it. It's always been assumed based on how he's the only one there, ever, and how he seems to just come and go as he pleases.

JANE LIKED RONALDO'S POST! There still might be hope for Janoldo!

I 100% believe Sadie to be older than the cool kids.

I'm still reeling from Lars still getting report cards, which throws off all kinds of age assumptions I had for him and Sadie. Sadie's gotta be 18-19, but if Lars is still trying to impress the cool kids, I'd guess he's probably 16-17.

That's… that's anime levels of insane.

The Gems have almost no interactions with humans now when they're actively raising a human child. Given humans didn't figure out how babby actually formed for a few thousand years after the war, I'll give her a mulligan on her biology knowledge.

She did understand human biology. She was talking about how long it took her to figure out. Past tense.

I'm genuinely confused now about Greg's position vis a vis the Car Wash. He apparently just walked into an empty business and took over?