
Maybe not Kevin.

Greg is straight-up freaked by Gem powers, and is pretty intimidated by Garnet and not liked by Pearl. Better to stay away, mostly.

Is your cat really named if there's no way it will ever come if you call it?

I'd say at least 20% of Peridot's fandom stems from her fabulous ass.

I suspect they're really trying to keep next week as spoiler free as possible, given that the episode titles themselves paint a picture of a very spoilery arc.

Go Team Human!

Hm. I'm having a hard time taking this episode and applying that label to it.

I really, really feel sorry for him, and wish all Gems would stop trying to bankrupt him.

Peridot's delightful. Every show needs a Zim. But like Lapis Lazuli, I wouldn't want to room with her.

What's a Space Whale Aesop?

Everyone gets a redemption arc on Steven Universe.

The things you would have to do to destroy an actual real world gem.

Jasper didn't go deep inside the Earth. We saw in Super Watermelon Island that Mask Island floats, which is a thing real islands do not do, and thus when the island cracked and split, Jasper fell into the ocean, not the depths of the Earth.

I'm not convinced Steven has the skills to do it. I'm sure he could keep a bubble up that would render a fight moot, but I don't think he has the skills needed to leverage his above average strength against a gem with above average strength for a gem.

Literally grabbing her on the ship in almost the same way she grabbed her on the beach.

Actual upvote, and this verbal upvote so I can upvote you more than once.

Lapis has some genuine self-loathing that we haven't really gotten to the root of yet, so yeah, I was worried she might say yes, too.

Lapis continues to be depicted as an introvert in a cast full of extraverts, and it kills me to see her have to suffer through some of these hijinks.

Coupla bumps of cocaine and a blowjob from a hooker.

And you would have been banned.