
Unclear! We only know that Gem Worlds, based on the Moonbase schematics, get big freaking holes punched through them, some how, for some reason.

Lion 3: Straight to Video

Mmmmm, possible. Or it was just where they pulled all mineral resources for building from.

Stay tuned for a probable answer to your questions.

Pearl's actual Gem is wrong for a proper small g gem-quality small p pearl. Yellow and Blue Pearls' pearls were the 'correct' round shape.

To me, it's unlikely. The giant crater in Russia is more likely a result of Gems Homeworldforming Earth.

I believe she was experimental in that she was experimenting with doing non-Pearl things. She *is* defective though - she's an oval pearl, while a "perfect" pearl is round.


True, true. Steven Floats *did* have him not coming down even after he stopped feeling the floaty emotions, so there is definitely another axis to consider.

Having two gems is a tell she's a fusion!

I think they'd be more likely to recognize her, myself. Amy's only difference is that she looks far away compared to other Amethysts. ;)

Rose has big giant quartz hair, too. Although I still maintain she's Pink Diamond and took the name Rose Quartz to show her break from the Authority.

What? Garnet has never concealed the fact that she's a fusion.

Exactly, he's even said all his stupid powers work based on his emotions. Most (all?) of the times he's tried and failed to use his healing powers, he hasn't exactly been invested in the healing.

I'm going out into the tall grass here, but I'm wondering if Diamond isn't a "real" gem caste. That all the Diamonds are another kind of Gem, and Diamond is just a title meaning "Largest and therefore in Chargest"

That's my biggest aggravation with Steven - he seems so INCURIOUS.

I'm pretty sure the Slinker is a corrupted Amethyst. Which would explain why it seemed to go after Amy for preference.

It corrupted all active, sentient Gems. Lapis was both damaged and restricted by the mirror tech at the time. If any other gem powered items exist, hidden out there, we might see some other non-corrupted Gems.

With billions of star systems out there to be conquered, I imagine they won't use a scalpel when a sledgehammer works.

Which would be a plausible reaction if the lines are dedicated and so she could tell that the MOON Diamond Line had activated.