
That said, @rylen's theory isn't outside the realm of possibility. If Homeworld genuinely feels threatened by the Earth forces down the line, they may see a new Pink Diamond as a way to bleed rebels out of Earth's armies and back under Homeworld's wing.

And it's not like creators haven't outright lied to twitter before, because they're actually invested in not dumping spoilers all over the Internet.

YES, your thinking aligns with mine.

The cut suggests a Trapiche Emerald, definitely, but the color's off. The color of a Chrysoprase is closer to Centipeetle's.

Could be the difference between a Naval Quartz and an Army Quartz. Don't need to be big and buff to pilot a warship.

I don't buy it. Gem ships wouldn't still have a Tri-Force if there was only one remaining Diamond.


I would burn Rebecca Sugar to the GROUND if she had an asteroid from 66 million years ago be the magical doomsday weapon from 6000 years ago.

Emerald was my original theory for a long time, but Centi's hair is the kicker. Quartzes have big white hair - Jasper, Amethyst, the quartzes we've seen in flashbacks and stories.

Because she was in the middle of a highly traumatic mental breakdown. She didn't exactly have the presence of mind to select multiple colors and fill in her outline. Gems will recognize the insignia of the diamond authority and know what colors they should be.

Welcome to the world of the greater SU fandom.

But was a non-combatant.

It is 100% the same light.

Quartzes have universally been battlefield commanders. Rubies are foot soldiers.

Such as when Steven needs an army to conquer Homeworld.

Now that I'm sure she's a Quartz, I'm putting my money on Chrysoprase.

Things I'm now confident of, even if they have not been 100% confirmed, yet:

Someday. Healing Centipeetle will be Steven's greatest triumph, the sign that he has become fully Gem Jesus.

Yes, absolutely. It was the Diamond Authority's failsafe, their doomsday device.