
I'm sure it's as accurate as Charlie could remember.

Prince was one of those terrifyingly intense types that always becomes really good at something that he's interested in through dangerous amounts of practice.

I literally don't care about any of that except Lady Dynamite. I'd say I'm aging out of the Prime Demographic, but I've rarely ever liked anything my fellow 18-49 year olds liked.

The same way he remembers everything else. He's omniscient.

Murdered and buried in a shallow grave.

I'd need to find someone who can draw.

Knives need sharpening, Ack Ack.

To be fair, they did have some mothers of the victims of the police genocide speak, too.


That reminds me of the Kerberos Club game I ran some years back. The Kerberos Club is a superheroes campaign framework set in Victorian London. Because of there being supers, the South managed to stalemate the North in the American Civil War. The Confederacy then turned to dark magics, because it's superheroes and why

Neither did "Wise from your gwave".

huh. They removed the cast party ending in the Genesis port.

Pearlapis is absolutely a thing.

I'm always a little disappointed that PearlxAmethyst shippers don't just call it Opal. I feel like Sugar gave us built-in ship names with the fusions, and kids these days just aren't using them.

Oh, well, sure, then I agree with Star Vs being a magical girl series on molly.

Oh, is "molly" drug slang? I thought it was some streaming service.

I kinda want to talk about the Season 2 intro a bit, but that's probably too spoilery.

Jackie's the perfect popular girl the male protagonist chases throughout the film before realizing he should have been chasing the other girl who was under his nose the whole time.

Oh shiiiit. I think I've managed to avoid that… unless some of what I assumed were speculations on the part of those idiots in /sug/ were spoilers. DAMMIT, /co/.

Yes, if Steven Universe is a magical girl series played straight, but with a boy, then Star Vs is a magical girl series played post-modern, but they at least kept the girl part.