
They do visually quote Evangelion, though.

I honestly have not read anything from JLA 3000. Is it canonical in this post-New 52 universe?

I'm pretty lucky that I fairly regularly see Libertarian and Green candidates on Boulder County ballots, but I really wish the parties would stop quixotically going for the presidency and divert some of those PresBux to those candidates.

It will continue in the background, on his tumblr, and with any luck, on Peridot's twitter.

There do exist black folks who will take offense at thoughtless insensitivities and ignorant slip-ups to the same degree and kind as they would at deliberate racism. They are not nearly as common as TV and movies would have us believe, but if you have very little regular contact with black people outside of the

I have never enjoyed "comedy interviews" when one side of the interview isn't in on the joke. And that's literally half the goddamn show.

They eat berries, grasses, seaweed, tubers, and roots.

Perhaps they can't afford Gammell.

Well, that's actually more ridiculous, since humans will die if they only ever eat meat.

I'm pretty sure the Internet predates Elf.

Becoming a full-on herbivore.

I remember when Trump was just this guy who was famous because his name was on everything from airport books to Monopoly rip-offs.

They've moved on to a different thing to bloviate about. Why are you living in the past, man?

God forbid the Democrats make a decision that makes them more appealing to the youth vote.

Self-esteem is sexy

Lapis isn't one of Steven's moms

I will never stop shipping Big Donut. Me and Steven will see this ship make it to port if it kills us.

It's almost the definition of filler. This was a hella fun episode, but I'm comfortable calling it filler.

She is the ticketgirl, and was in Beach City Drift

Everybody dies, @Close-watcher:disqus.