
Han Throuple.

If this trilogy isn't based on Han Solo at Stars' End, Han Solo's Revenge, and Han Solo and the Lost Legacy, I riot.

HEY! Uncalled for slap at MLP erotica auteurs!


Funny how being a supporting character and being a woman seem to go hand in hand, right?

Oh, the internet would flip its collective shit if Barry were black. I'm saying they're giving what they perceive to be a generous concession by allowing Barry to be a darker shade of white.

Well, yes, if we're going by the comics, Barry should totally be an Aryan ubermenschen. But, you know, he's a dude, so it's okay if he's swarthy, I guess.

To be fair, that reads more as white privilege than outright racism. Iris is white in the comics, so, you know… can't make any changes. Beyond the dozens upon dozens of changes they've already made for these godawful movies.

A superpower based on surviving pressures that crush submarines into balls of foil, I believe you meant.

My scrapping of DC's space setting made the colors largely just identifiers for space political maps. The six major post-Singularity cultures of the local cluster would be color coded on maps showing their area of influence before zooming in to the "everyday" space empires. The Green Lanterns are the military arm of

I think The Reach was criminally underused. Honestly, all of DC's space stuff is mishandled in a way that makes my stomach curdle.

First Blue Beetle was magic!

DC always takes a great idea, then goes immediately up its own ass, and beats the idea to death.

Yeah, that's why I'm horrified by Clinton giving Wasserman-Shultz this honorary chair position. It reeks of "you got me the nomination, so here's a cushy sinecure." It's everything Bernie Bros have been saying about the Party.

That's very civic minded of you. Spite voting is what made America great.

To be fair, the only reason to BE anti-establishment is when the establishment is already not on your side.

Yeah, that's not going to blow up in Hilary's face in a few months.

Obummer predates Drumpf by many years. If anything, every time someone used Obummer, it was leave to write Drumpf.

Hey, it happened, Kevin didn't do anything prosecutable even if it was skeevy, Greg can't change the past, so as long as the kids are okay, just move on and help 'em process. Mr. Universe is a good person.