
You should be pretty happy with the episode on the 25th, then.

Would you say his masterful takedown literally destroyed Sean Hannity?

Don't say it here! Say it in the LOOKING thread!

The game is really biased towards dense urban environments.

It's not really a Connie episode, as such.

I've explained why I don't buy the theory. Neither one of us is going to convince the other on this, and that's okay. You enjoy the show your way, and I'll enjoy it my way, and we'll all love Steven.

So Lars' parents, if they're going to mess up his name, would have used a feminine name, no? And… well, I mean, "Horror Club"… I just, I would think we'd see SOME evidence of femininity in the flashback there.

Greg does have a thing for giant women.

Forgive my ignorance of terminology - you mean FTM, right?

If this were real life, I'd be okay with Lars being such an overwhelming douchebag to Sadie and such a conniving popularity whore, while also being trans. People are people, some are just assholes whatever genitals they're packing.

I don't even know what direction Lars would be meant to be transitioning, there are NO feminine signifiers anywhere in his story, past or present, to give a clue. If the creators are writing him as trans, they're doing a remarkably bad job of it, given the vast swathes of foreshadowing and clues they've given on

A lot more gruesome murder and horrifying violence in a documentary about Caligula than the sex the Guccione film focused on.

I'm aware they exist. But they're like 0.3% of the population, and Beach City has, like, twelve people in it. 10% of the population is physically disabled - but we've never seen anyone in a wheelchair. Unless they really wanted to tell a story about trans identity, which Stevonnie has given them AMPLE opportunity to

Kofi's called 'em on it, come to think of it. That man left Ghana to make a better life for his family, and ain't nothin' those circus performers could do that would be worse than what he probably faced back in the day.

Lars was smiling. No good can come of Lars smiling.

The Crystal Gems are terrible with boundaries. I talked a little about how fucked up it was that Amethyst was willing to throw that tablet into the ocean out of pique back at "Too Short To Ride", and Garnet stealing Kofi's phone in "Steven Floats", but you could compose a list as long as my arm of the Gems being

A not insignificant number of people think Ruby and Sapphire's relationship is unhealthily inward focused to the point of rendering them an actual liability if they're not actively fused.

WHY? There's no evidence in any way!

I did not, and there's no mix-up? Laramie's his name, Lars is a cooler name, the little shit bullied his parents into using it because they just want him to be happy.

This episode was a bit problematic for the idea that Lars and Sadie are college aged, definitely. At the very least, Lars is still in high school, looking at the number of courses on that report card. Sadie still feels like someone post-high school who still lives at home with her mom, though. Which just makes their