
I don't know that it really needs to be a major redesign. They already HAVE a teenage Steven model from Steven's Birthday. If they don't actually do a costume change, the teenage model change is as simple and unobtrusive as the costume changes all three of the other Gems have undergone.

I'm pretty confident Rose was bisexual, as we'd understand the term.

Maybe not this season, but possibly next, I expect Connie and Steven both to get growth spurts and a possible costume change for Steven. Steven's in large part because he really is growing and maturing as a person, Connie just because that's what human children do.

They played almost the entirety of the titular "Mr. Greg" song as a promo for the Nuke on CN itself. Multiple times!

You've bought into The Machine!

The men Rose admitted to being with when Greg asked in "We Need To Talk"


If I'm recalling interviews correctly, the only two bigger influences on Rebecca than Utena were Invader Zim and Future Boy Conan.

It's not even close to over, but the door's open now.

Greg is Steven's actual parent.

Steven's a lot better at reading a room than Rose has been shown to be.

Intricately detailed backgrounds and ancillary characters. Those all cost money.

They spent all their money on the jingle.

Yeah, that was a fantastic surprise!

Pearl has always managed to be more gay than the actual reified embodiment of a homosexual relationship that's also in the show. This just gives a bit more explicit acknowledgement for the base.

My favorite episode in a long time!

If he's the kind of millionaire I'd be, most of his house is underground.

I have a 1 in 52 chance of dying from Blood Magic?

Pretty good, I think. Thanks for asking!