
I refuse to go so far as to say Tay Tay is brilliant, but I do hate Kanye's music as much as I hate his schtick.

It's a metaphor, SeƱor.

They've learned that they really don't need to try.

To be fair, Tree Hugger is a terrible pony.

Buckley's one of the last principled conservatives.

You should. Not knowing what words mean makes you look ignorant, at best.

I believe Michelle's speech was 2008. MLPFIM premiered in October 2010.

Penultimate. Not ultimate. "Lady" is the penultimate word.

One True Pairing.

And Trump's a sick old man. I still wish one of the two major parties could've found SOMEONE under retirement age to show willing. It's not like a Pope, where after one dies after being in office for 20 or 30 years, you find the oldest one you can so he's not in there as long.

Like, half the people in this thread are bronies, man.

It can get crazy, believe me.

No, I don't think he is.

Only 56! He's got my vote!

69 and 70, respectively. I guess they're fine.

ALSO 92!

Rarity and Twilight Sparkle are OTP.
Rainbow's gonna lose her virginity to Spitfire, don't even pretend.
Fluttershy's an ace if I ever saw one.

Wait, what?

He's 92 years old, man! Let him die in peace!
