
I wouldn't complain if we could declare a mulligan on 2016.

One might expect the PARTY to come up with some.

The thing is, unless you go with the AU where she and Big Mac are a married farm couple and Apple Bloom is their kid, instead of this siblings nonsense, Apple Jack is the 2nd gayest of the Mane Six. You'd think Cruz wouldn't want to support an LGBT pony.

They're probably coming to now, so I'm sure they'll find out shortly.

Do I look like I just fell off the turnip truck?

Um, every time he's gunned down by other cops for "resisting arrest".

"to clop" means "to masturbate" in the deepest Brony fandom.

Well, c'mon, if you're gonna steal from the fascist playbook, steal from the best.

They've gotta save something for the other three nights.

Isn't it exciting!

Ha ha! I was hoping the AV Club would cover this! Awful people going hammer and tong at other awful people is, like, my spinach.

It's a cowlick!

It's fine. I'd really like if they did a better job nailing down the girls' school experience - sometimes, they're still in kindergarten, and all in the same classroom, and other times, they're doing elementary school stuff, and are in different classes.

Good. I hope those little shits at /co/ drown in their own tears.


Well, except for us 1s and 0s.

You're gay for that mighty lesbian.

It was Kofi's phone! Garnet seems to have it out for that poor man!

Koko is a gorilla, not a chimp, nor a monkey.

Well, he was really keen on building big golden statues of himself. Patron of the arts?