
I am 98% of cappadociuses on the Internet. Including the Disqus account that posts when the AV Club decides to log me out between clicking reply on a post and hitting post on that post.

I'm getting really fucking sick of your shit, AV Club IT department.


Basically, the referendum just says that 52% of 72% of the voters want to leave the EU. It is then up to the Prime Minister, and the Prime Minister alone, to make the decision to pursue Article 50 of the EU Constitution, regarding leaving the Union. So, David Cameron's running away in the dead of night punts the

"Hooray! The next step in entertainment media is backwards to 1998!"

Decimalized currency is for wimps.

Mais oui.

I imagine the bankers who actually rule London don't give a fuck about backlash against MPs. They can always buy new ones.

Wait, wait, wait.

CN, for some reason, has decided not to let anyone know when anything at all is airing on it until the week it airs.

Cute, I guess, Internet. I have no specific animus towards this project.

Wow. I hadn't realized how far the show has progressed beyond the books. That last paragraph is, like, gibberish to me.

I bet if you thought about it, you can make family friendly porn.

Do you know how old I was before I realized Romulan Ale was a substitute for Cuban Cigars? Older than I should have been.

But canonical Star Trek has plenty of harmful and illegal activities!

We should leave it to oracular pigs and fortune-telling chickens.

On the bright side, when the British economy tanks, I might get back into Warhammer 40,000 since the exchange rate won't be quite so usurious.

If Scotland leaves, I'd expect Wales to start demanding independence within 5 years.

A major argument made for Scotland remaining part of the UK during the Scottish independence referendum two years ago was that Scotland would have to jump through all the hoops of rejoining the EU if they quit the UK. Some might argue that was the MAJOR reason Scotland voted to stay yoked to England.

AT gets 30-50 comments on a good day. A GJI about how someone smashed up Handmaid's Tale and the new Ghostbusters get 500 comments. We've shat up our own beds, now we have to lie in the filth.