
Does the Steam summer sale count?

Six movies in the last three years alone.

His suit wasn't magical! It was alien technology!

Power Girl
- can't even keep her own origin straight
- one of the few sex positive characters at DC
- doesn't have the range

Beer Baron
- outwitted the FBI
- figured out a way to put gin in a bowling ball without ruining the flavor
- doesn't have the range

- loves cats and amputees
- invented by baby boomers
- doesn't have the range

Because we're loud and fat and believe in that backslapping bonhomie shit?

Where've you been?

Now I have to fight you.

I think it looks more like We Bare Bears, which is created, IIRC, by a CalArts grad.

Breeders are breeding for Dalmatians to be more white, so… yes.

What? This doesn't look anything like Adventure Time.

I'm also not gay for Moleman.

Did you know Mexico is building a wall on its southern border to keep illegal immigrants out?

I like Fall Out Boy.

We should have a ghost hunters show!

On the other hand, it had Whoopi Goldberg banging Demi Moore.

Real tacos are pretty terrible.

nnnnngh. This is why I've boycotted Michael Bay films for 20 years.

Which one of them is driving the tractor trailer?