
But how do you feel about the robot?


(310) 275-7900.

Do you really WANT sexualized robots?

So, now Bay's ripping off the Go-Bots.

Man, moon photos never look like the moon *I* see when I look at the sky.

Mike Tyson has his own Adult Swim cartoon. He "solves" "mysteries".

Chocolate Factory, Glass Elevator, Giant Peach, and My Uncle Oswald, although that latter is in NO WAY a children's book.


I'm a little horrified to find out Kirsten Dunst was only 18.

All birds are dinosaurs, but not all dinosaurs are birds.

Most goldfish live short, miserable lives because nobody knows how to fucking care for fish. A properly cared for goldfish can outlive a dog. What do most goldfish live for? A week? A month if the kid's really responsible?

Dalmatians, like Greyhounds, are chasing dogs. If they're not running after something and tearing it to shreds for 85% of their waking life, they're not happy.

If you must move a turtle off the road, always move it in the direction it was already trying to go!

Birds are dinosaurs.

Presumably at least as well as a normal gorilla.

It would die.

SOMEONE has an edition from after 1972.

That's The Cosby Show.
