
It can be two things.

Barry wants those sweet gigs for himself.

I'm HOPING Rory found out that she's allowed to date guys who AREN'T assholes in the past… what's it been? five years?

She always was too hot for that chuckling little chimp.

Wait, who's R?

Fat is nature's body armor!

Y'know, it's jokes like this that make him hate us.

Well, thanks for killing the party, square.

You, sir, have the boorish manners of a Yalie.

I hope they make out.

I have a shoebox full under my bed.

He can be real, you just can't directly scale up a regular gorilla.

There was a Skull Island strain of Cordyceps that only grew in giant ape shit. Without Kong, eventually all the natives who were infected starved to death at the top of a tree, and the rest got on with their lives.

I… that's… are you sure you know what weed is?

*sigh* But the original, SMALLEST Godzilla is 50m tall! That's 164 feet in America! The most RECENT Godzilla was 108m tall! That's 354 feet! A 100 foot tall King Kong is STILL too small to fight Godzilla, while being absurdly too large for King Kong.

Ignoring that he's taller than the skyscrapers?

He was pretty damned active at the Tenacious D concert I went to.

Why? WHY do you need to make your ape bigger? People are still going to be impressed by a 50 foot ape! They'd be impressed by a 'mere' 30 foot ape!

He's simultaneously less of a pussy bitch and more of an idiot in the novel.

So much fetish porn was produced that day.