
The things children like are abhorrent to me and everything in the world was better when I was child. I will write books for children where I constantly berate them for being bad and not feeling bad, and these will inexplicably become beloved classics!
- Roald Dahl

Better to murder a child, who hasn't done much with their life, than a productive adult.

Did you have your first homosexual experience at the steel mill?

Technically, the Oompa Loompas were NOT employed. They worked out of "gratitude" for Wonka saving them from all the African tigers (!) that were always eating them.

Hubert Farnsworth is one of my spirit animals.

I don't like Ferris Bueller.

Roald Dahl hated children and hated everything children liked.

Yeah, it's at least something that can spark a discussion.

The Oompa Loompas are a tribe of pygmies from Africa that Wonka "saves" from the jungle predators by putting the entire tribe to work in his factory.

Are any of your cousins hot? If so, are any of them willing to sleep with me?

And completely treyf.

She *did* technically do full frontal for Pretty Ugly People, but they edited out the scene where she and Octavia Butler are naked to get the necessary rating. Poor Melissa worries that someone's going to find that footage in a vault somewhere and sell it to someplace like Mr. Skin.

But they get shot at more.

Go back to /fit/

She's never had a nude scene.

Burger King knows they'll never beat McDonald's market share, so they're carving out a niche as the surprising fast food place.

I just assume everyone's trying to be as cool as Morgan Spurlock, and just post "git gud at fud" when it gets too ludicrous.

Is that when you became an officer?

Everything at McDonald's is sweetened so that it appeals more to children.

The taste test feature usually involves eating, and enthusiastically so, serious garbage, so… yeah, probably not.