
Rural typically also means poor, and guns are genuinely used to hunt for supplemental food. Also, the police may be a good twenty minutes to an hour away, depending on how rural you are, so you can't really count on them in the rare violent crime. Lastly, when you don't have a triple digit population density, there's

Which is why Dem superdelegates have NEVER gone against the primary winner. It's a joke if they never vote against the candidate, and a party-destroying bomb if they do.

Now if they could just teach her to shut the hell up and not flip out every time Trump says something mean.

The current Congressional definition of an assault weapon is a joke, though.

Has Ogden ever been Dadded?

Do Puerto Ricans count as natural born US citizens for purposes of the presidency?

I think she's focusing on her podcasting career right now.

48 people were shot during the Dems' filibuster! Good job, Congress!

I want someone to make a superhero movie about the team of Zappa, Bob Denver, and Dee Snyder, who after battling Tipper Gore, stayed together to fight other Bill of Rights crimes.

A friend in high school, Justin Paulette, was the spitting image of a young Frank Zappa. Now he's a right-wing Catholic lawyer for the Army.

Am I crazy, or do all the things this article posits the director did right more properly belong to the editor? I'm genuinely asking.

It being 2016, he's more likely to end up dead.


You don't think he SURVIVED, do you?

If we have to crush YouTube to stop bullshit stunts like this, well… I'll miss you, YouTube.

They're probably 19. Pfft.

I'm trying to decide if I want to get a Pearl Funko Pop or an Amethyst Funko Pop. Heaven only knows if we're ever gonna get a Centipeetle Funko Pop.

You gotta save something for the sequel, man.


To be fair, Hill has said these things. Of course, she worded them in such a way that I know we'll never hear anything - *IF* there's a national security issue, I'll keep it quiet? Yeah, because alien kidnappings on US soil might NOT be a national security issue.