
Don't think I haven't tried to monetize this!

To be fair, it's ONLY date rape.

Playing The Kingpin?

They did. Egon was their mentor.

I don't even. What possible benefit does setting Ghostbusters 35 years in the future provide?

Lawn. Off. Etc.

Pacha Edits and Loss.jpg are my favorite latter day memes.

Didn't he die?

Well, before 1950, the recording industry would steal everything an artist ever produced and pay them in room and board as they forced them to perform at county fairs and masonic lodges.

The sequins on her dress are reflecting onto her neck.

Why? Do you have a PROBLEM with that?

It's all in pesos.

Performance art done right!

One can only hope!

You don't know me!

Way to bring it back on topic!

I've never actually seen The Day After Tomorrow.

That is some amazing make-up for someone in prison.

After you blow yourself up for the glory of Allah.

Here's a clip: