
That's a problem I've never had.

I just drive my car places, like an adult.

I'm kinda digging TayTay's current "popular girl tryna be scene" look, I must admit.

Those are TJ Jagodowski and Peter Grosz.

Stay classy, Kate.

He's not Jewish!

Graphics Interchange Format. Ain't nobody pronouncing graphic with a soft G.

I'm a major proponent of plot, and while there is a plot here, of sorts, it's thin and flimsy, and ultimately doesn't really make any sort of sense. The animation is adequate, but never more than such, which is another mark against it in my book. The design work is fascinating, and I'd be willing to try watching it

Breckenridge had a fairly major UFO sighting in 2014. Multiple people reported objects in the sky that would remain stationary for up to 15 minutes before a bright flash and the UFOs disappeared over a ridge.

I don't believe absence of evidence is evidence of absence, so I'm at least OPEN to the possibility of a ghost or an alien spaceship. But I actually seem to DEhaunt places - I've been with people who are True Believers to places that are SUPPOSED to be super haunted, and they're all like, "oh. Um. huh. It's, uh,

I've never seen a UFO or a ghost or a Bigfoot or a black-eyed child or anything even remotely paranatural. I'm incredibly unhappy about that.

Dammit, I got all excited that maybe it was a surprise reboot of the cartoon, maybe based on the comic, not… that film.

I hate both of you.

In the original novel, he's also a remarkably plummy Lord.

These poots were made for walkin'…

O! Hi! O!
O! Hi! O!

Exciting. Hopefully, everyone will be watching Independence Day this weekend, giving me a much less kid-infested theater in which to watch Dory.

If her kissy emoji in the header is representative, I'm less than impressed.

Like England?

*taps the side of his nose and winks*