
I… I kinda have to disagree. Iowa and California have a lot more in common than, say, California and Canada do.

I… what? Karl's European.

That's a closer analogy, yes. But even the US under the Articles was more federalized than the EU is right now.

Well, they USED to be. Our democratically elected officers have decided they'd rather not do their democratically elected jobs because they don't like the President. I'm still not sure why these guys aren't being hanged.

I agree with most of this, but would change "can be invasive when it needs to" to "will be invasive when it wants to".

In the strictest, most literal sense, yes, not wanting anything to do with foreign political bodies is the definition of xenophobia.

Holy shit. Even the Latina and the Black guy are Ivy League Catholics.

The end of the Troubles did have quite a bit to do with economic recovery and opportunity, however. Young men would rather make lots of money and NOT go to jail than make no money and blow people up before going to jail or being shot.

That's certainly a reductive reading of the post.

Oh, I'm not saying Brexit has anything to do with Britain being pushed around. If anything, I'm suggesting Britain may decide to start their OWN Union, with blackjack, and hookers.

That half the nation threw a temper tantrum because in a series of baby steps and half-measures their right to own other people was slowly being eroded, by POPULAR ACCLAIM? If you're comparing your cause to rich assholes who started a war because they didn't want to stop being able to legally rape and murder their

Texas, Florida, and Georgia being relatively big speed bumps. I think Florida's the only purple state of those three.

I think Brexit and Grexit, and the debt crises and immigration crises, are big enough deals that the EU becoming the United States of Europe isn't a foregone conclusion. If sense prevails, and Germany stops trying to boss everyone around, and, while I'm dreaming, money stops being the most important thing in the

I'd… I'd walk back from suggesting the Confederacy was about anything except rich men keeping slaves.

*wipes away a tear of love*

The states in the USA are still not nation-states. Comparing EU membership to US statehood is a false and dangerous analogy. If Germany invaded France it would not be a civil war, just a war.


Making it an extremely conservative position.

I believe you're misunderstanding the last paragraph. I'm reading it as, "By campaigning to leave the EU, the people who campaigned to keep Scotland in the UK are driving Scotland out of the UK. These people are crazy and undermining their own platform via inconsistencies in thought."

Let us choose our examples from a period AFTER they stopped letting 14 year olds govern nations.