
Almost as crazy as one US presidential candidate winning the election with 7 states, and the other losing with 43 states.

Tch. Name calling has never successfully changed anyone's mind.

Except that the EU parliament isn't analogous to the US Congress, nor are EU nations analogous to US states.

The "sensible" Conservative position against the EU is that the needs of England are unique and not best met by an unelected bureaucracy on the Continent. Also, "fuck France and Germany".

There *are* arguments to be made as to how the EU isn't meeting its stated goals and ISN'T working towards fixing the problems that are causing it to fail to meet those goals, including Germany and France using it to play the same old Imperial Games they've played for centuries, if not millennia. The British

I like Danette, but she's not a senior writer?

To clarify, Brexit is a derivation of Grexit, which is A) the term used for the potential Greek exit from the EU, and B) a kind of pun in French, so it worked in the Continental media.

Fresh Prince might want to lay low.

I watched it in high school. It's incredibly weird but it really isn't very good, and I say that as someone who loves surrealism.

Don't let me oversell Clyde's dads. I think they've only appeared in one episode, and it was something of a cameo. They're there, they exist, and nobody's got a problem with Clyde's parents being an interracial gay couple - that's as much progress as we can expect, right?

Giraffes don't have stripes?

Hey everyone! An old man is talking!

Religion doesn't have a monopoly on that.

Oh, right. Yes, that's true. Alcohol is haram.

Well, that's nice, but were any of the people being beaten Muslims?

I have a favorite CW show?

I miss the Weekend Downer.

122 million Mexicans wish.

Iiiiiii'm just gonna go back to the KFC Newswire.

Also, KFC is the go to dining experience for Christmas, which in Japan, is like Valentine's Day in America. Their slogan in that season is "Kurisumasu ni wa kentakkii!" which means, "Kentucky for Christmas!"