
She has TWO talents, sir!

My mother loves dong every night.

You misspelled Prompto.

Miles is 14-years-old, Peter was a college graduate before One More Day irrevocably shat up the timeline.

Japan loves it.

Who are you calling a dong lover?!

Luke Perry was 50 when he played high school heart throb Dylan McKay on Beverly Hills 90210.

If a game involves pregnancy or feet, Internet, it's a sex thing. You know that.

What even the hell is wrong with us, America?

That's only for Exxorians!

You misspelled Bill.

Well, maybe if they were paid enough to afford their own residence, they'd move the hell out.

How many centuries do my ancestors have to have been here to be considered Native? Because even the First Nations immigrated here from Asia.

Leviticus, written around 1400 BCE
All the prophets, 800 - 500 BCE-ish.

"Damned, liberal, atheist" pretty fairly summarizes Anthony Jeselnik, yeah.

They don't actively wish death on innocent people, but they don't really care if people they don't really consider to be people die.

The people who claim to interpret things "literally" have to cherry-pick verses; act as if two passages written literally hundreds of years apart, on different subjects; are part of the same, single argument; and have a multi-million dollar a year industry based on the arcane interpretations required to understand the

Man, fuck Paul.

To be fair, Old Testament slavery is a different kind of slavery than American chattel slavery. And even the Old Testament gets sick of the idea as we get to the more temporally recent books and prophets.

American Christianity, as an aggregate, hasn't given a damn what the Bible has actually said since the 19th century. We continually venerate and build off of theologies developed by people who interpreted the Bible to be in favor of racial slavery. That's an error and a sin the Body Religious has to deal with before