
haute couture is French for "ass ugly", right?

But M4W had male *and* female characters! It's not a sausage party like Ghostbusters or Ocean's Eleven!

Mathematically, we are MORE likely to be in a simulation than we are to be "real". This is why it's so popular amongst physicists - the math.

Only if she's a witch.

You probably only need one of beta and cuck, and white-knight is out of fashion.

But David, if a woman stays up late to host your show, won't she be too tired to get up at 4 AM to start baking bread?

Just watch FLCL. Says everything Eva wanted to say, says it more coherently, and does it in something like a fourth of the episodes.

Oh, no, the universe being a computer simulation is pretty common, especially among physicists, but they'll only cop to it when they're not being asked to prove anything.

No, something's not quite right about that one.

It lacks a certain alliterative quality, but yeah, it's definitely a high tier.

That's my major hurdle in accepting the "the universe is a computer simulation" theories. Turtles all the way down, turtles all the way up. You never have any reason to believe you've arrived at "reality".

Wait, where are you from again, that you think "20 minutes" isn't accessible?

I don't get it. Marijuana bakes you, not fries you.

It didn't start in Scotland, but they've perfected the art.

No, because we're not Scottish.

It would be incredibly weird and the women would all think you were trying to have sex with them.

I thought the McConaugssaince started in 2011?


Is it because you have GPS?