Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Hence the con-fuse-ion?

You're welcome!

I understand these jokes now!

I still remember the Post headline. "Horse Found." They weren't doing puns back then.

That's gonna be, uh… you know, a… fascinating transition

Same here.

I'm back on the bus, yo.

A mixed blessing for sure, but think of the poor workers who had to dig that weirdly-shaped well!

I tried to escalate my viewing in my spare time this weekend. I saw:

The first episode of Nu-Twin-Peaks felt like The '90s in a bottle.

The post-Iannucci seasons of Veep have been weird. It's not like the quality dropoff that Community suffered in s4 at all, but it does have that similar feeling of being the same show on the surface, with the same comic rhythms, but underneath being completely different.

It was my 12th favorite film of 2016, per our CZ rankings.

I recognised Blue Cheer! =-P

Why does he say everything twice?

I remember seeing the trailers for that all the time on TV.


Happy Mother's Day!

Get ready for none of this to ever be explained!

Repair Cat! He's never successfully repaired anything, but he tries his hardest all the same.

That's pretty cool!