Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Is he on Team Britta or Team Annie?

………..Italian Communists?

Internet communists: Do you think we're, like, paying too much for Broadband?

a $$$$formality$$$$ =-P

Maybe both shows can combine their 10 completed episodes each into one DVD release!

I think it's a great idea, but unfortunately I have zero nights free.

I thought I had this great idea and my co-workers seemed pretty into it, but of course it turns out someone on Etsy had already made some.

I'm trying to like how the characters look in Ducktales, but I can't get used to that paper-cut-out 3-D look all the new animated shows have. At least they look a little bit hand-made unlike some of the new Mickey Mouse cartoons my nieces and nephews watch.

something something 24-carrot

Multiple timelines?

We only watched the two, we had a third movie planned but never got to it. (We only live blogged Speed Racer but we had a discussion of Purple Rain over on the forums.)

I'll put in a minority vote for Dan Peters from Mudhoney.

The conversation between Norma and Walter in the Double R felt like it was probably taken from/inspired by a conversation David Lynch had with some Showtime executive. ("Why not call it David Lynch's Twin Peaks? Our research shows viewers respond to having your name in the title.")

Sorry I thought I turned that thing off.

From now on, all deserts must be meticulously planned out in advance.

Happy Birthday, Bongoes!

Plan A, this is an option we've kept around for awhile, should the need arise.

The Stonecutters strike again!