Unregistered Guy Named Eric

She's good n tall.

No, but they look very similar.

Further Context: Ege controls the weather.

At least someone likes the blazing Florida heat, and that someone is my cat. She seems to have renewed happiness/contentment when the summer rolls around. All the rest of us become frustrated and complain about it for months and sweat all the time, but she just stretches out on the pavement like "Oh yissssssss"

Never has something so momentous happened to such an average show!

Work is a tough situation because you never know if you're going to get in trouble or how management will react, but if you ultimately have no choice but to tell them off or take the abuse, it's probably best/inevitable to at least bring it up with them.

The pump don't prime cause vandals took the handle. Sad!

Pump the primes, yo.

I like it! At this point I'd probably call it the best Star Trek film for it's John-Ford-in-Space vibe. Tho when I was younger and more of a Trek fan, I preferred #1 and #4 for their less action-y plots and the emphasis on characterization.

What say ye?

Watching a new episode of Raw would give you an idea of the format, the sense of jumping into a multi-tiered ongoing soap opera in the middle, which is part of the fun of wrestling. Unfortunately, modern WWE tends to be more bloated and worse at storytelling than most wrestling.

We is.

Yes but you're gonna have to work with Russian hackers.

You're gonna have to be more specific at this point.

They always say the way up is worse than the drop.

Ingenting, Mulholland Drive

Jonah Ray,

This makes me want to make another survey asking if young, rich people are the dumbest people, but I don't want to flood the survey market!

Bringin' Surveys Back:

Will you feel any better if I tell you Jodie Foster didn't swallow that pen?