Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Come on, man.


If you come across any old dipping sauces from the Mulan promotion in that McDonald's, hang on to those. I've heard they can be valuable.

He can go back. I'm OK with that.

Down the hatch, so to speak?

Charlyne Yi is great. Remember when she was on House there towards the end? Two things you wouldn't expect to go together, but it made for a nice change of pace.

There's never a better time than now.

I'm not saying I like this, but I accept it.

Arrested Development did come out swinging, and it's before the problem (for me) emerged that in order for the show to stay so funny the characters couldn't evolve very much.

I am no anti-Shinigamist but I'm of the (probably rare) opinion that s1 of Lost was only OK (a little corny, I guess, and slow) and the show improved when it got more into weird ass twists later on.

Luck is a good one, I loved that first ep.

It's weird that I can't think of a single great pilot for a show that didn't get picked up. I mean Heat Vision and Jack is pretty good, but not within a mile of Community or Rick and Morty. I really liked that Sarah Silverman Show pilot with Harris Wittles that didn't get picked up, but I wouldn't call it an all time

Also, will this be called the Shyamalanaverse?

Jeff Fahey is definitely one of the top 10 TV Pilots.

My two favorites are Firefly and The Wire. I struggle to think of others….maybe The Office U.K.?


Yeah I was thinking more of the podcast Joe than actor Joe or UFC Joe when I made the comparison.

He's done a lot of stuff but I tend to think of him entirely for the first season of Six Feet Under. He kinda plays a serious version of Jason Bateman in Arrested Development, the guy who got away from the fucked-up family but now has to come back and hold it together even though he doesn't see himself as belonging

Post-credits scene: