Unregistered Guy Named Eric

It's the sports announcer who works with the play-by-play guy and does more analysis. He's the signature voice of the UFC, so to speak. He's pretty good at it, but he's an odd dude.

This is probably his most predictable twist yet.

Savoir-faire of a Hyena - Joe Rogan/Ilie Nastase

"Vote for me, I haven't been a nazi since Monday!"

Not everyone survived Y2K intact.

My nephew had a toy (apparently bought for $1 on discount) that's like a cartoon cat that talks out loud, and asks yes or no questions and tries to guess what animal you're thinking of. It's like Akinator but voice activated. It's pretty cool, I borrowed it. I want to find out if it can guess "human."

Fake CZ-er profile # 341:
looking for a girl for sex relations or communication relaxation tea was already here.

I would probably buy a t-shirt that's a comic book panel drawing of Donald Trump with a thought bubble that says "Now that I'm President, even Batman won't be able to stop me!"

Protein Water!


It seems like everyone in my extended family and everyone I work with at both of my jobs went down hard with sickness at some point in the last six weeks.

"Your tactic…it's bad."

*Troy makes "Catenaccio face"*

Osoff's biggest weapon will be Trump himself. If Trump keeps alienating the white suburbanites, it could only help

Dante651 is a scrub.

I wonder if these things are all over every Disqus board?

How else are they going to know you're talking to them specifically?

I would probably take "The Pandorica Opens" thru "Day of the Moon," personally, though everyone knows by now my bias towards the Matt Smith era.

Not on anywhere near the same level. But Dark Tower was never King's main thing. Up until about Book 4, I think it was regarded more as his super weird personal passion project. People were more likely to clamor for another The Stand, and often used to talk about his post-It work (i.e. his period of becoming addicted

1. I didn't realize Doctor Who was back, that's how removed from the world I've been. Now I have something to look forward to this afternoon!