Unregistered Guy Named Eric

It's been kinda driving me crazy since the show started how they never really fully establish the rules of the experience for the Guests in Westworld the Park. Or what the limits of the immersive experience are, or why it might be more appealing than a simpler or clearer attraction involving the services of life-like

Look, Greece is going through a hard time right now….

Wow, turns out there is a big payoff for Del Potro's amazing 2016 after all.

Well if he believes that he was cheated out of the Popular Vote, he can't really object to a recount, can he?

I'm with Ege in that I stopped after s1 (honestly I just forgot to watch after that and was surprised to find out it's still airing). Parts of s1 I loved, but the conclusion was kinda middling. But there were episodes where I thought it was going to be an all-time great show. I guess it went too heavy on plot and

I still love it. It does more with it's genre and archetypes than any other semi-traditional adventure show. I'm not one for the backlash against Whedon, and I hope he takes the opportunity to work in TV again soon.

With cat.

This is a metaphor for watching Westworld somehow.

Are you reeling in the….anchor..?

Finally, a President who uses Twitter to pass along important news we've already heard. Like Presidents used to do back when America was great!

Look guys, the world's all gonna end in the year 2000 anyways, so why even worry about it?

That was a great read, thanks!

Wow. Congratulations, you guys!

I et to much

That looks pretty stellar.

My Upvotes are disappearing again. Maybe Disqus plans to re-gift them for Christmas.

Thanksgiving is secretly a contest to see who has to eat with a) the most Trump supporters, b) the most vocal Trump supporters and c) who can respond to this circumstance with some level of restraint.

My favorites are Rosetta and Two Days, One Night.

I quite liked it, and I think it could easily have been a standalone movie. If I didn't know about the franchise stuff, I would have just thought they wanted a happy(-er) ending. Admittedly the Johnny Depp reveal bit with the villain at the end is somewhat meaningless otherwise, but it felt pretty insignificant to the

Also Happy Anniversary, Some Video Game!