Unregistered Guy Named Eric

I am, as always, in for Sunday but unavailable on Saturday.

Damn, voter turnout is really down.

Wait…Nate Silver? =-P

Have you been pretty satisfied with Buffy so far (late s2 and s3)? I saw you mentioned your favorite eps of s3 and I agreed with you. I was just curious if you had any other pressing likes/dislikes/overall thoughts?

I think you may have me beat in number of podcasts. I've been cutting back on the shows I listen to every week, at least. Do you listen to mostly comedy shows, or is there a variety of genres you like?

I read the first volumes of The Walking Dead and The Unwritten. The minimalist black and white art on TWD seems to add a dimension that the show would be missing (i.e. it would be more explicit with it's gore and leave less of the horror to the imagination).

I could be wrong, but this list probably accounts for just about every party-line Republican who didn't waver in their support for Trump when the tapes came out.

Speaking of CBS, I think I have to withdraw my "thumbs in the middle" or any tentative enthusiasm for The Great Indoors after episode 2. Not that it's all terrible, but they've really gone the route of over-emphasizing every tossed off joke like a punchline and amping up the studio audience to go crazy for everything

Which might be the first time we'll ever see a Grave dig something up!

The problem is I always sort the comments by Most Private First.

It's undoubtedly less breezy to watch two shows at once, but you only get one chance to enjoy them for the first time together (and there's enough crossovers to make that worthwhile).

We just want you guys to be happy!

Yeah, man, we got it.

Yeah, meaning only 4 "old pop hits" and more original score. There's usually a ton of songs listed for any new Hollywood movie.

The Music section of the end credits only listed four songs, for whatever that's worth.

I think you just have to be honest about your reasons, and convince them that you know you can take care of yourself. If you're serious, they should understand.

The Humpty Dance
is your chance
to do the hump