Unregistered Guy Named Eric

I, for one, have never minded when a car behind me rams into my fender, or causes a wreck. I am just appreciative that they're going in the proper direction.

Trump may be about to get eaten by a shark, but at least he's a tasty meal. Hillary is drunk-driving her boat the wrong way through pirate waters with a harpoon pointed at America and a cooler full of secret e-mails.

Random observation, but the trailer for Life opened with the JFK speech about the future that was originally supposed to open Babylon 5, but IIRC the production company said it wouldn't be futuristic enough. (Though in the trailer, it turned ironic since it looks like Life is gonna be a horror movie.)

With a special appearance by Amelia Earhart?

Does that make Paul Ryan into Richard Dreyfuss? Then Ivanka is Roy Schneider?? Chris Christie has to be the Mayor, except instead of refusing to close the Beaches, he would close them with everyone still in there and the shark approaching.

That's where we're at now. He's "the good kind of car wreck"!

I think I'd put this in the upper echelon of the MCU. It didn't drag towards the end as I've felt a lot of the movies do, helped by the fact that they did something different and more clever for the climax. Also, while Strange himself may not be the most interesting superhero in the movies (and the early parts about

A unicorn bib!

Specifically for Your Honor, the Judge who ordered me to drive this cab as part of my sixty hours of community service.

They're probably starting their own competing service.

I dug an ancient one out of the ground from 2012 and discovered to my horror that we'd been on Earth this whole time!

I'll be following along. It could get tense, but right now I'm not very worried.

If an episode of Star Trek introduces Chekov early, so we're waiting to see what his impact on the story will be later in the ep, is that Chekhov's Chekov?

Damn, Atlanta. Why must you go away and leave us alone with all these other TV shows? This was a great end to a great s1.

That's fair, and I still tried to be appreciative of the dude and tell him I liked his performances after that. But considering how positive we'd been towards him and the show, he didn't even try to have any discussion or clarify his points. He basically just said that anyone who thought showrunners were the key to a

I've never seen convincing proof that G&P were real human beings, and I've watched videos of them speaking to an audience.