Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Hmmm, has anyone seen Bumpcollege since Guarascio and Port were fired?

We got a lot of shit between the firing of Harmon and the end of s4 for thinking the show wouldn't be the same without him. I tend to think time proved us right on that front.

But Candle Cove > Cedar Cove.

The twist is that she's the daughter of Minnie Driver and Matt Damon from Good Will Hunting.

He left them with some LudoRegrets

Sounds really good! It's the kind of music I like to listen to, as well. I especially like "The Rain."

British accents on podcasts and in interviews really throw me off sometimes. There was one podcast where one guy was saying the few films he was familiar with were Where's Anderson? movies, and I was wondering if it was some series of English movies I'd never heard of. I was about to Google it when I realized he was

Archives! (So long, free time!)

Did you get into a press screening? That's pretty sweet.

1) Local production of Suburbia.
2) The Secret Garden at a bigger theater on a school field trip.
3) The Nutcracker, also a school field trip.
4) Grease by my high school theater department

Depends on where the mirrors were placed?

As long as he read the book.

Despite the assembly line aspects, having the care and attention to detail of Jon Favreau, Joss Whedon or James Gunn has been the difference of a fairly large degree in success and acclaim (as long as you disregard sequels, knock on wood GotG2).

That was some Sitting Rock.

Well, that was fast.


I read The Girl on the Train Saturday night/Sunday morning. It was pretty entertaining, but one of those mysteries where once you catch the twist (and I was hunting for it, so 3/4s in once the writer started dropping clues, it became pretty clear), there isn't a whole lot left. I thought the sense of place and the

I agree that AoS has felt bland this season. I like the dude they have playing Ghost Rider, but he' isn't adding much to the show. I understand the idea behind pushing Skye/Daisy/Quake further into being a darker, more ambiguous loner, but she just doesn't pull it off that well IMO. In general, while I like that

Happy Birthday, Disqus Spider!

I think Handlen is doing a really good job of breaking down and assessing Westworld as a weekly serialized-narrative show. Other people may be more engrossed by it, but for all the immersive spectacle and wonderful acting, none of these episodes could really be called a great episode of TV. Most weeks, there's better