Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Netflix & chills

Mine has, unfortunately.

Chrome is working normally for me today, FWIW.

Now we just wait and see if Kevin Can Wait goes for Trump.

I was always impressed with his distribution. Whenever I went to the gym, there was one waiting for me in my locker (despite the many signs the gym put up instructing customers not to leave the booklets there). When I worked at the library and would clean up the tables, there they were!

There's a story on the local news right now about how a gas station in town is taking too long to replace the tattered American flag that flies in the parking lot.

One time I was at a soccer game where a group of Mexican-American guys had brought a big drum and late in the game they started a "Chu-pa-cab-ra" chant. It was pretty funny.

Yeah I'm a really big fan of his work. Easy is a little more conventional than most of his films, but it shares some of the same obsessions and structures (even when telling an episodic story with familiar beats, he skips over the parts other shows would dwell on and lingers on parts most shows would skip).

Which never would've happened if you'd gotten on the right train!

It's extra frustrating cause in the comics, Stephen Hauschka made his kick and it was a much more satisfying ending.

I haven't watched it yet. I expect it to be, if not great, then Mostly Harmless.

I actually haven't seen that! But I went to watch Black Mirror and realized I still hadn't watched most of Easy. So I worked my way through that, and really liked at least 5 of the 8 episodes, and Dave Franco is in 2 of them and did really well. So I'm at an impasse….is he a talented actor and I have pre-judged him

lol Yeah, that was the thing that made me think maybe he was, like, an idiot savant. But he's in two episodes of Easy, and while the first one showed him sort of doing a good job being himself (with a decent helping of smarm), by the end of the last ep I really thought he was doing an excellent job.

Dave Franco is the worst actor who is great in everything he does.

I'm cool with 8, but can we switch the sport to Lacrosse?

There was no following up that classic chase scene, but I think The Exorcist could've tried to have like a 10 minute tracking shot chase up and down the stairs, walking on their hands, with their heads tilted back unnaturally.

That's kind of a sucker punch.