Unregistered Guy Named Eric


Oh, was that not originally from Frozen?

Less trick, more treat!

I'm not much for visual arts type stuff, I'm happy if I can get the smiley face in the right shape. My sister, on the other hand, is very into crafts and does crazy pumpkin-designs that would never occur to me but are somehow very clear when I look at them. Like "Oh, I see that's a Ninja Turtle. Wait…how did you make

Better Things is turning into a really good show IMO. I don't know if it's being somewhat overshadowed by Atlanta having one of the best first seasons of any comedy ever. They both kind of inherited different aspects of Louie's arthouse-sitcom model, and they're both successful in different ways.

This song should definitely be used in the last minute and a half of an episode of an HBO show to serenade some ominous new character or development (if it hasn't been already).

that cliffhanger tho

Currently downloading a wrestling file with the name 1991 - Jumbo Slapping Guys.

I think I misunderstood, and started all the Wide Receivers on the Baltimore Ravens instead. Whoops.

I guess I picked the wrong week to bench Randall Cobb (on both my fantasy teams!)

Faith/teenage male viewer (or so I've heard)

Is this like when great tennis players play an exhibition match for a rich audience and try to pretend like it's a real tournament match even though they have an unspoken agreement to let it go to the final set and not to play at maximum effort?

All the King's horses
and all the King's memes
couldn't put Harambe
back together again

I'm always impressed that so many early 20th century artists were early adopters of Youtube technology. So ahead of their time!

Plus, like a lot of my frustrating friends, his lyrics aren't that great.

I'm just saying, this comment was posted pretty much right after the article about Madonna promising oral sex to all Hilary voters.

Well, that's when John Mellencamp did his best work.

The key part is the important role played in the title by Paper.

I've never heard that one ;-)