Unregistered Guy Named Eric

But was having lots of fatal diseases really any worse than modern medicine???

I don't know how it will come across without context, but it is definitely one of my favorite albums, and has been from the first time I heard it (like a few days after I saw the songs performed live, which always helps).

I tend to think of the best music, especially in that decade, as possessing a political message, and generally one greater than it's intentions or it's specific time period.

I had a couple of albums by Silver Jews that I used to listen to a lot, Bright Flight and Starlite Walker. Especially starting with Bright Flight, which I remember being a very dark, intense and somewhat depressive album…I liked the band, but I think it gave me the wrong idea about what the totality of their music was

My favorite song of the 00s is probably "Four Winds" by Bright Eyes or maybe "That Ain't Right" by Non-Prophets (which is a Sage Francis project).

I agree, the more the show gets into trippy time travel paradoxes and develops a somewhat more complex or serialized narrative, the better.

Malcolm Barrett has been the best part of Timeless so far, he had a lot of the best stuff on Better Off Ted, and his rap album is pretty good.

Man, you both make good points.

semi-OT, but I was happily surprised to find that Facets Multimedia still has a DVD mail service like Netflix used to, but offering more foreign and artsy titles. I'm impressed they still maintain this (in the US, at least), and I wonder if there are more small-scale services out there like it?

I kinda enjoy Timeless. It's very much nothing special so far, but I'm hoping it might turn into something akin to Fringe in 13-20 episodes. They have to give the characters a little more depth, though.

I like that no matter how many times a Manager changes Pitchers in a baseball game, they still make this slow, portentous, world-weary walk to the mound, like they have to put down a sick dog they've had for years.

I feel like my slogan might put me at a disadvantage.

A lot of people complained that Parenthood was too subtle.

Yeah, that's more of a slogan for a candidate for Prime Minister ;-).

That's a good one, actually.

"I re-filled 5 papers at Beach Diner and 3 papers at Metro Diner, all taken from Office Copies."

Very humanizing!