Unregistered Guy Named Eric

Producing a gritty Adventures of the Gummi Bears reboot.

That's basically just a list of well known movies/shows/books with like 5 obscure ones thrown in.



Affrosponge 88!

I like that song! I think you must have linked to it before, because I've listened to it a few times now.

But will it FLY?

Not yet. I have it bookmarked.


I listened to the songs you rec-ed by The Wire btw. I think I enjoyed "Oh! Brother" the most.

Or Soulseek, as the case may be.

I suppose the biggest problem I have with bands in comic books is that you can't hear them.

Especially on his Birthday.

Oh, I hope there's a laugh track.

Chuck Lorre + epic NY "realist" novel about racial hysteria where the rich white guy is ultimately the victim + 2016 = ……………………….

Maybe from the Police.

I kind of wish now that the tapes hadn't come out, or rather had come out after the Election, and Clinton could've won on the merits of the Debates. I feel like the first Debate was a substantial enough narrative change, where people saw the two candidates together and found Hilary more likable.

Stingo the Bandana Origami Pro!