Unregistered Guy Named Eric

1. Sunrise, M, The Lady Vanishes, L'Avventura, Contempt, Celine and Julie Go Boating, Last Year at Marienbad, Sans Soleil, The Wind Will Carry Us, Before Sunset
2. I'm seriously going to watch it someday. After I read the comics. I don't expect to like it much, though.
3. It is the best romance film starring Jim Carrey.


Pretty catchy!

Too late, old man, now the whole world knows that whatever age you were, you're one year older! Bwahahahaha! (IDK, I like birthdays tho, at least CZ Birthdays.)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (one day late),

Somewhere in the early 00s, probably inspired by a Gore Vidal article, I decided I would vote for Hillary Clinton. The appeal was mainly that she would be, finally, a cutthroat Democrat who could outmaneuver or just push through the shameless Republicans who seemed at the time to be manhandling all opposition.

Oh snap. I forgot about the football game.

The line "No wonder you've been fighting ISIS your entire adult life" really made my head spin.

Probably the most amusing part of the debate is how Trump looks like he's impersonating Hammond impersonating him, but taking it further. The constant "Wrong!"s, the scowl when he wasn't speaking. It was ridiculous at times.

He made….tremendous statements. Big statements, a lot of incredible statements.

His son is so good on the computer, he's fact-checking the debate on Twitter.

Yeah that was my big takeaway, too. Unless the next batch of polls show support for Trump up because they're uncomfortable with confident women, or something. I've given up trying to predict anything, but I was very happy with her debate performance and poise.

I just think it seemed like her retorts were semi-awkward segue-ways back into prepared points. Whereas Trump would just shoot off a series of very unprepared half-sentences which didn't elucidate his point until he got back around to his talking point.

Oh, Jonah Hill's in this?

Dylan was one where I really wanted to get into his stuff, and it just wasn't working for me at first, at least not entirely. When I worked at said library, they had a book of his lyrics and I'd just sit and read them and that was where it really started to click for me.

"Yes." =-)

Very good wrestling show across the board, but not especially newsworthy.

I remember when Life Won't Wait came out. I had just returned from living with my friend in Virginia for a month after I quit school, and I didn't have a job yet. So I would go to the record store that was down the street from me back then, and listen to it at the Free Listening station every day.

I love all of their first 5 albums, but Wolves was definitely my gateway, as I imagine it was for many Rancid fans of the era.

Probably not Cruel Intentions 2.